Die Objektbuchführung umfaßt je nach Ihren Wünschen:
- Einrichten einer übersichtlichen, ordnungsgemäßen, kaufmännischen Buchführung
- Führen von Wohnungs-, Lohn- und Sozialkostenkonten
- Führen eines Instandhaltungsrücklagenkontos
- Verbuchen von Mieteinnahmen, Ausgaben und sämtlichen anderen Bankbewegungen
- Bezahlung von Rechnungen unter Beachtung von Rabatten und Skonti
- Prüfung der Rechnungen auf sachliche und rechnerische Richtigkeit
- Abrechnen der Nebenkosten mit den Mietern
- Neuberechnen der Nebenkostenvorauszahlung
- Vorbereitung und Erstellen der Einnahmen-/Ausgabenabrechnung für den Eigentümer
- Erstellen der Jahresabrechnungen, vorbereitet für die Steuererklärung
We offer our clients an effective and efficient Property & Real Estate Management Service according to national and international standard. Our multi-national and disciplinary management team covers commercial property, accounting and technical skills. Based on personal experience, a professional approach and a network of service providers we assist you to develope a modern controlling system to encrease your net rent and profits, optimizing your operation costs by professional management systems and control.
Quality Property Management is basis to maximising asset value for property owners and our managers focus their efforts on collecting and enhancing property income and ensuring the operational efficiency of the buildings under their control. Maximising occupancy and minimising voids is key and we establish regular contact with tenants maintaining awareness of their needs and local market conditions - we aim to anticipate rather than react. Regular communication with our clients through both structured and informal reporting ensures that our clients are fully aware of all matters affecting their properties.
Berlin House & Service Ltd. offers a large number of financial analysis services and detailed analyses of any kind of development projects in the area of commercial property such as office, retail, logistics, production and industrial space.
For the determination of the current market value our experts use traditional procedures (comparative method, international capitalization approach, international depreciated replacement cost method, residual method, profit method) and also latest methods and approaches in financial analysis.
What ever happens, we work for direct solutions |